Finding freshers on a Nigerian university campus is as easy as finding jollof rice at a party – they’re everywhere! With their wide-eyed enthusiasm and unmistakable newbie vibes, they stand out in the crowd. Here are the top ways to identify a fresher, guaranteed to make you chuckle and nod in agreement. Feel free to sprinkle in your memes for maximum laughs!
1.The JJC Look
Freshers have that “JJC” (Johnny Just Come) vibe. They look around in awe, taking in the sights and sounds of campus life like tourists on a new adventure.
Identifiability Rating: 8/10

When you see a fresher looking around like they just landed in Disneyland.
2.Carrying All Their Belongings
You can spot a fresher from a mile away by the number of bags they’re carrying. It’s like they packed their entire room and brought it to campus.
Identifiability Rating: 11/10

When you see a fresher carrying more bags than a Lagos market trader.
3.Asking for Directions Every Five Minutes
Every few steps, they stop someone to ask, “Please, where is LT 1?” By the end of the day, they’ve asked half the campus for directions.
Identifiability Rating: 12/10

When a fresher asks you for directions and you send them on a wild goose chase for fun.
4.Fresh ID Cards on Display
Their student ID card is always hanging proudly around their necks. They want everyone to know they’re official, even if they don’t yet know where the cafeteria is.
Identifiability Rating: 7/10
5.Eager Beavers in Lectures
They arrive at lectures 30 minutes early, sit in the front row, and have all their textbooks ready. Give it a few weeks, and they’ll be joining the rest of us in the back row.
Identifiability Rating: 10/10

When you see a fresher in the front row with all their textbooks on the first day.
6.Overdressed for Classes
Freshers often show up to class dressed like they’re attending a fashion show. Wait till they discover the beauty of casual wear and “lecture clothes.”
Identifiability Rating: 9/10

When you see a fresher dressed like they’re going to a wedding, but it’s just for a 7 am lecture.
7.Excessive Note-Taking
They write down every single word the lecturer says, even the jokes. It’s like they’re preparing for a PhD in note-taking.
Identifiability Rating: 9/10

When you see a fresher taking notes like their life depends on it.
8.Frequent Visits to Admin Office
They’re constantly running to the admin office for one thing or another. From registration issues to lost belongings, they practically live there.
Identifiability Rating: 15/10

When you’re a fresher and you spend more time in the admin office than in your hostel.
There you have it! Freshers are easy to spot with their telltale signs and innocent excitement. Just remember, we were all freshers once, so give them a break – and maybe help them find Lecture Theatre 5.
Please share your own below
Very true said
Nice one Mr. blogger
Thank you
Very funny
This was fun to read!. Sooo relatable!!.
On point… I can relate

I can relate


Soooo relatable, more of this please!
Not bad Kim, not bad
so relatable
It’s so true